Why Fragmenting Iran Could Trigger a Global Security Crisis

Why Fragmenting Iran Could Trigger a Global Security Crisis

The proposition of supporting separatist movements in Iran presents significant risks with far-reaching regional as well as global implications. While it might appear as an effective short-term strategy to destabilize and destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran, fragmenting the Iranian nation into smaller states would exacerbate regional instability, empower extremist and criminal networks, and disrupt…

Iran’s Crossroads: From the 1979 Revolution to Today’s Role in Global Stability

Iran’s Crossroads: From the 1979 Revolution to Today’s Role in Global Stability

Iran transformed from a balanced, modernized nation under the Shah to an ideologically driven Islamic Republic post-1979, leading to regional instability. Recent support for separatist groups by neighboring countries has backfired, fostering distrust among Iranians. A rising patriotic movement now seeks a secular, democratic Iran, with Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi seen as a potential leader…